Join Stripe, Yellow, and Trina in Ohio, and Utah!

ART EXHIBIT at Grailville in Loveland, Ohio, September 6 to October 27.
 Special closing celebration Oct. 26th & 27th  
with author/artist Trina Paulus Click here for details

You can also see the musical of Hope For The Flowers
in Salt Lake City, Utah at the HART theater - four weekends starting November 1st.
Please email for more details.

These little caterpillars are on the move!!! We hope to see you in Ohio or Utah.
CLICK HERE  to watch replays
Another way we can bring the gift of hope to as many people as possible, is to make the E-book available to the public at it's lowest price yet. The discounted price of $2.99 will be available through April 2020 on:
Apple, Amazon and most eBook distributors
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Welcome to Hope...

Happy 50th Anniversary Yellow and Stripe!
For half a century Yellow and Stripe are still bringing challenge and hope to hearts everywhere. This inspiring parable about the risk and joy of transformation is for people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. It’s told through the lives of caterpillars who struggle to "climb to the top" of the pillar before understanding that they are meant to fulfill their purpose and fly, carrying the love of one flower to the other. See what our readers are saying.

Special Invitation To Readers of Hope For The FlowersBeloved Readers, we need your help. Hope for the Flowers is a book about radical sharing which is why WE WANT YOU to share YOUR stories of Hope. This would be such a beautiful way to honor the legacy of Stripe and Yellow on their 50th birthday. We look forward to hearing from you and we are so grateful for you.  You can upload your stories from this Google Form: post in our Hope (for the Flowers) Revolution Facebook group: those of you who have yet to meet Yellow and Stripe, they are waiting for you! Click Here to Order Hope For The Flowers.

50 years ago in March of 1970 Trina was working on a different book about Hope. One day the two caterpillars on the cover seemed to ask for their own story. That day 90% of Hope for the Flowers was written. Hope For The Flowers was published in July 1972 and since then over 4 million copies have been sold in English with over 20 translation across the globe.

We invite you to become part of our Hope for the Flowers Family.

Join Our Mailing List
Click here to join our Hope Revolution Facebook Group


Our special 50th Anniversary hardcover edition is now available. Look for the special treat inside the dust cover.

Autographed copy is available for $30
($9.99 shipping for up to 2 books)


That better world we long for is possible if we share. Together we can become the force for peace we need for all lives to flourish. There is hope for the flowers!

Yellow and Stripe are celebrating their 50th Anniversary! The Hope team encourages you to continue to share your wonderful and moving stories of how Hope has touched your life personally as we create an online community utilizing the tools available through social media.

Somehow we each have to understand, that uncomfortable as it may feel, in someway you and I are meant for this time. I often wonder how God chose me to share this parable knowing we would need a story of Hope that crosses every boundary I can think of - whether age, sex, class, religion, country, politics.  I have to understand with gratitude that it was given to me as gift. The challenge to share what I've been given fills my life. Each of us is asked to share whatever gifts we have. In that loving service we will find our joy.
In hope always,

-Trina, Stripe and Yellow

May our global home be an oasis of hope; challenging and encouraging each of us to become the magnificent butterflies we are destined to be.  We can then bring Hope to all the flowers we meet. To be effective means enough of us, maybe 5%, have to risk the cocoon.  It means we have given up crawling over others. It means we can now fly and discover the beauty in each caterpillar and flower around us. It means we can then carry love from each of those flowers to every flower we will ever meet.

© Hope For The Flowers - All Rights Reserved. 2019